Healthcare and Entrepreneurship

Healthcare and Entrepreneurship

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day One

Our "Healthcare and Entrepreneurship" team spent today in Chennai, India! Once we had taken some post plane cat-naps, we headed outside to explore the city. Most of us were shocked at the sheer number of people out and about. The population density in India is much higher than in the United States of America. We also noticed the disparity between social classes. On the same street you may see an impoverished man asking for money while someone is speeding by in a nice, new, fancy vehicle. This trip will be an opportunity to learn, not only about the Indian healthcare system, but also about the culture of India.

After getting some shopping in (thanks to Swati for helping us find the Big Bazar), we met up with the other trips' groups for a delicious buffet dinner with Raj and some other members of the Hawkeye network. Great to see that Iowa fans are everywhere! Go Hawks!

Tomorrow we head out. Raj said that it is important to be flexible with scheduling, because then you can get the most out of the experience. I know our group can handle it and is ready for an amazing time learning at Aravind Eye Clinics.


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